
Massage Therapy

Our team of professionals at Bloomfield Total Health Center frequently uses massage therapy in conjunction with Chiropractic, Acupuncture and Physical Therapy. This combination of techniques helps our patients overcome a variety of ailments and injuries, and it could do the same for you as well.

From Controlling Stress to Relieving Muscle Pain and Spasms

Massage is an ancient healing modality that can help the body in numerous ways. If you have had a soothing massage at a spa, you probably noticed how relaxed it made you feel. Massage is highly effective at relieving pent-up stress and promoting a sense of well-being. It can improve your sleep quality, lower your blood pressure, and reduce your level of stress hormones. These stress-busting benefits can even result in a stronger immune response that helps you fight off infections more successfully. Massage therapy is also utilized as a drug-free method for relieving muscle pain and spasms. Massage techniques can release muscle “knots” known as trigger points, which in turn can relieve referred pain to various parts of the body. It can also stop spasms that tug on sensitive membranes or pinch nearby nerves, making it effective technique against tension headaches and neurological symptoms.

Massage therapy can also help you heal. Massage of injured tissues can boost circulation to those tissues, helping them to release inflammatory substances and pick up extra oxygen and nutrients. Deep tissue massage techniques can even treat old injuries by breaking up internal scar tissue.

An All-Natural Part of Your Integrated Health and Wellness Plan

Our Bloomfield Total Health Center team of professionals can integrate massage therapy into a holistic health and wellness plan to suit your specific needs and objectives.

Harness the Power of Massage by Calling Our Bloomfield Office Today

Are you ready to put the power of massage therapy to work in your life? Then it’s time to contact us at (973) 338-3620 today!