
spring specials

Inspiration and Motivation

Bloomfield Total Health Center

July 2022 Blog

Inspiration and Motivation

In this patriotic month of July I can only wonder at the spark of inspiration that collectively glowed like a single ember in the minds of so many individuals at the early beginning of our country.  What process moved people to connect, to feel something so deeply that caused something so creative …so monumental to happen?  What was the common motivation that caused this tiny ember to grow into the deep burning desire and action that eventually changed the world?  We do know our history and how and why the early patriots banned together.  The motivating factors of these early times are well documented.  Yet I wonder what we can learn from their inspiration and motivation that will allow us to change our personal lives and behavior today.  I often think about the motivating reasons for people to act in certain ways.  Not politically of course but in our everyday lives.  What comes first, the inspiration or the motivation?  Are they interchangeable experiences?  Why are some individuals inspired to be self-disciplined while others wait for “the motivation” to eat properly, exercise regularly and think positively?  Like our forefathers, the motivation might have to be fear based, pain inspired but why does it have to be that way for us?  Can’t we learn from history?  Why wait for a terrible diagnosis of a serious illness or the degeneration of a hip or knee that needs to be replaced in order to change our direction in health? 

NOW is the time for us to light the fires of inspiration and genuinely be motivated to take control of our individual lives!  History has taught us what “motivated action” can do…why not light the fires of inspiration now and motivate yourself to be a healthier, happier you!

                                                                          HAPPY 4TH OF JULY

Dr. Mike