
spring specials

Reflect, Revitalize and Rebirth

April 2021 Blog

Reflect, Revitalize and Rebirth

By - Pratima and Dr. Mike

April has always been a time of reflection, revitalization and rebirth. As we sit here and watch the birth of luscious green leaves on the once barren tree branches, I can't help but to think about our patients, who have gone through so much, especially in the past year. From all the ergonomic changes due to COVID19, the unusual social disconnect, the cold/snowy/icy winter weather and now the damp/rainy spring season; our physical and musculoskeletal systems have been extremely tested. More often than not there is resulting pain, postural stressors and increased spasms, all of which have reeked havoc on our daily lives. But what if there was a way to curb this, to revitalize our body and use the scientific breakthroughs of today to not only mask our symptoms but to actually fix them. Well, let's just say that the month of April may provide a healing solution. At this time let's choose to reflect, revitalize and regrow, as it is only when we are willing and open to change that change will come. Just as the leaf that took a chance and decided to grow again, we must follow in it's footsteps and do the same!