
spring specials

May Blog 2019

It's May, a time of change, of growth and new beginnings. It's time to venture outside again after months of "hibernation" indoors. Symbolically May is a great time to start new things, to plan and stretch and grow toward a new and better you. It all starts with YOUR expectations. What do you expect this new season to bring? Are you sure nothing will change? Do you KNOW that nothing new can happen to you! Do you expect the same old thing, the middle of the road and the same old failures? If that's the way you choose to start this new season - you won't be surprised when NOTHING changes! What if, however, you do one simple thing. What if you change your expectations. Sit down and take a moment to write out some simple dreams, hopes and wishes. Dare to plan for this growing season and take a few action steps in the right direction of happiness. Remember you get what you concentrate on most. Expect more, concentrate on better and act on your expectations so that this year will be the best you've had in a long time.