
spring specials

Why Bother???

Bloomfield Total Health Center

September 2022 Blog

Why Bother???

What’s the use of investing in our very own health? Why bother eating well, staying trim,

thinking positive or even getting Chiropractic Adjustments? Why bother???...After observing

patients from every walk of life, at every age and in every condition, I can firmly attest to you

that being healthy far outweighs being sick. Why bother investing in your health? Just take the

time to look around you.  Observe the people who did bother. The self-disciplined exerciser, the

fit and trim careful eater, the person who chooses to see solutions for all problems and the

patient who embraces the Chiropractic theory, that removing nervous system interference with

regular Adjustments leads to a better immune system and better overall health. Those individuals

are rewarded because they BOTHERED…they  chose to live well and they CAN and DO thrive

well into their mature lives. On the other hand, we have all witnessed the individuals who didn’t

bother. You know the people, no self-discipline, over indulgers in every way, depressed and

focused on every problem in life, big or small. Unfortunately, they didn’t “bother”. They need

hip, knee and body part replacements. They never see solutions and they physically and

emotionally can’t enjoy life. They only get Chiropractic Adjustments when they are in pain and

never seem to run out of excuses. My only hope is that they begin to “bother” soon or they will

miss every opportunity to enjoy the life that could be, if only they would BOTHER!!!

Dr. Mike