
spring specials

March 2020 Blog

Living With A “Bullseye Attitude”

Did you ever stop to think why our lives are so helter-skelter? We run from task to task in a flurry of stress each day of our lives. It’s no wonder we feel overwhelmed most of the time. Over a long period, this stressful pattern lead to poor health and even strained personal relationships(and a need for more chiropractic adjustments).

Living in chaos, trying to hit multiple moving targets all day is no way to live. You can’t hit the bullseye of life unless you’re aiming at it! The simple solution is to regroup and do less. You heard me – do less, much less! Try to hit one bullseye at a time, focus on the goals and tasks with a singleness of purpose. Focus, Focus, Focus! Learn to prioritize, doing fewer things BUT getting much more accomplished. That’s living with a “Bullseye Attitude”.